Wednesday 27 January 2016

Revisiting Martin

John Amplas as a troubled Count... Just fresh from a screening of George Romero's 1976 film Martin courtesy of the 2000 Anchor Bay DVD. I hadn't seen the film for a few years so I'm pleased to say it remains as astonishing as ever. After the initial screening I took a second pass of the DVD, dipping in and out of the commentary track, which I've previously heard but had forgotten Romero's lamenting of the lost 3-hour b/w version of Martin which was stolen from the director's office. The familiar 95min cut of the film is so perfectly cut and paced - I'm thinking of the terrifically taut home invasion sequence, I wonder how this 3-hour version would play out. Romero mentions that this long version had reams of narration by Amplas, which was dropped for the final cut, but interestingly survived the paperback novelization - something to seek out. Another element of the film I really enjoyed this time round was Donald Rubinstein's atmospheric Stomu Yamashta-esque score, beautifully complimenting the extraordinary ghost town images of Braddock, Pittsburgh. I haven't seen any other DVD editions of the film but Anchor Bay's 15 year old DVD is looking very tired these days, hopefully a fresh HD transfer of the film is not far off...

Incidentally, my good friend and extremely talented graphic artist and film poster designer Jeremy (aka Silver Ferox) has designed two beautiful Martin posters - check them out here. Blu-Ray producers take note !

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